Poker Industry PRO: The Postponement of Italian Gambling Law Changes Angers Gaming Industry

Law and Regulation: Proposed tax reductions for online poker tournaments have been put on hold.

The section of the Italian Delega Fiscale bill dealing with changes to gambling laws was not tabled for discussion at the Council of Ministers meeting on June 25. Enrico Zanetti, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Economics and Finance (MEF) has subsequently confirmed that the provisions of article 14 have definitely been postponed.

The amendments were to include advertising restrictions and tax harmonization provisions which were expected to have a substantial impact on online poker. Tax on online poker tournaments was to be changed from 3% of the total buy-in to 20% of gross gaming revenue. Provisions would also have made the powers of the regulator AAMS to enter into shared liquidity agreements with other jurisdictions more explicit.

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